League Rules
General | Managers and Coaches | T-Ball | Rookie | Minor | Major | Babe Ruth | Field Prep
- Each player is responsible for getting him or herself to the ballpark. This is not the responsibility of the League, manager or coach.
- An evaluation will be held for the Minor, Major, and Babe Ruth Draft.
- Trades are only allowed on draft night unless specifically approved by the Board of Directors.
- All league players are encouraged to wear face masks when batting at all practices and games. This also applies to Griffith Youth Baseball tournament teams.
- For all drafted teams, each Manager is allowed to choose one Coach before the draft begins. Other Coaches must be selected during the draft.
- It will always be the discretion of the Griffith Youth Baseball Board to decide the outcome of different scenarios due to players being injured. See league By-Laws for more information.
- No head first sliding permitted in Major Division and younger.
- The chain of Command for Cancellation of all games is as follows: President, Vice President, Safety Officer, (No Safety Officer then Purchasing Agent assumes this role), UIC, Field Manager, Division Commissioner.
- No person may, while performing a function or duty at a game or practice, be under the influence of/or use intoxicants.
- The “No Smoking” rule applies to the entire enclosure of the playing field and the bleacher area.
- Where there may be a conflict of the rules set forth in the League By-Laws with the rules as established by a division of Cal Ripken Baseball, Babe Ruth League, Inc. shall supersede and prevail.
Managers and Coaches
- Any major manager or senior coach must attain and retain a Regular Membership in good standing in Griffith Youth Baseball. Only major managers and senior coaches in good standing will be allowed at the draft as long as the senior coach has already been on said team.
- Managers and Assistant Coaches must be at least 18 years of age. 13-18 year olds may be permitted to help, however, board approval is required and a liability waiver must be signed by a parent/guardian. No coaches or other field helpers under the age of 13 are allowed.
- All managers and coaches are required to follow the league’s Coaches Code of Conduct before being awarded a team in any league. Detailed procedure will be included under the heading of Discipline in the league ByLaws.
- All managers and coaches must complete a Babe Ruth League, Inc. background check, abuse prevention course, and coaching certification. The background check and abuse prevention course links can be found in your SportsEngine account after you are registered to coach. The coaching certification link can be found under the Coaching Resources page of our website.
- Players that are 4, 5, and 6 years old are eligible for T-ball. Players must be 4 by May 1.
- The T-ball division shall have a blind draft. Each team will draft an equal amount of 4 yr olds, 5 yr olds, and 6 yr olds.
- If a 6 year old has played 1 year of T-Ball at the parents discretion they may move up to Rookies. If you are 6 and never played T-Ball you cannot move up. You have to play 1 year of T-Ball. No one can move up to Rookies unless you are league age 6.
- A parent or guardian must be at the field with their player at all times.
- T-Ball ground rules
1. If a game is scheduled to follow, no inning will start 15 minutes before the start of the following game. There is a 1 hour and 30 minute time limit on all games.
2. A full team consists of 10-11 players, 4 of which must play in the outfield. The 4th outfielder is eliminated if a team must play with only 9 players.
3. Managers and adult coaches may coach at first, second and third base if they desire. Managers or coaches for the defensive team may also be in the field if they desire.
4. No bunting or pullbacks is allowed. After 5 games within the season the Managers may pitch to their player if the player desires to be pitched to. If not, they will be allowed to hit off of the Tee. You are only allowed to pitch 4 balls to player. After 4 pitched balls the ball goes on the Tee.
5. The pitcher shall keep both feet directly in front of the pitching rubber until the ball is hit.
6. The catcher will remain in position behind the plate until the ball is hit. Catchers must be in full gear.
7. No defensive player shall charge the ball until it is hit.
8. Every player will play 2 innings in the field every game.
9. There are no strikeouts.
10. A ball hit off the tee must travel 15 feet from home plate or it is considered a dead ball.
11. One of the coaches from the batting team is the umpire. - Team managers can discuss who will pick up game balls prior to the game on game day. A best practice is the home team is responsible for game balls. 2 new game balls will be provided for each game. Each team should receive 1 of those game balls after the game ends. Managers are encouraged to hand out their game ball to a deserving player at the end of each game. Highlight a specific play or achievement of the specific player of the game. Each player should receive one over the course of the season. Some teams have saved them and hand them all out at the end of the season. It’s up to you to figure out what’s best for your team.
- Players that are 6, 7, and 8 years old are eligible for the Rookies Division.
- A 6 year old, per parental discretion, that has at least one year of T- ball experience, whether a division of Cal Ripken, Babe Ruth League, Incorporated, or another sanctioned League is eligible for Rookies.
- The Rookie division shall have a blind draft. Each team will draft an equal amount of 6 yr olds, 7 yr olds, and 8 yr olds.
- A parent or guardian must be at the field with their player at all times.
- Rookies ground rules
1. No inning will start after 7:15 p.m. or 1 hour and 30 minutes after start time. The inning will be finished.
2. No stealing of bases.
3. No walks – a player hit by a pitch will continue their at-bat with the coach pitching.
4. After ball four, a coach will pitch. No batter receives a walk but may strike out.
5. On an attempted play at a base, after the ball is hit, the runner or runners will be permitted to advance at their own risk, but not more than one base.
6. Continuous batting order – inning-to-inning. Only 9 players in the field when the defense is out.
7. 9 batters per inning maximum or 3 outs. In the event a team bats 9, the defensive players receive credit for 3 outs in the field.
8. All players must play a minimum of 9 defensive outs each game.
9. Unlimited substitution.
10. All players should play every position throughout the season using reasonable discretion. THIS IS AN INSTRUCTIONAL LEAGUE.
11. Cal Ripken pitching rules must be strictly followed. Refer to Cal Ripken Baseball Rules and Regulations in the Babe Ruth League, Incorporated Rule Book.
12. Manager or coach will not leave a game or practice until all players are with a parent or guardian.
13. Home team manager is responsible for preparing the field for play.
14. The umpire (which is a coach) may call a batter out for throwing the bat.
15. Scores and standings will be kept subject to the non-contentious compliance with the aforementioned Ground Rules. The Griffith Youth Baseball Board of Directors reserves the right to discontinue the use of score and standings at any point during the season that it determines said score and standings interfere with the express goal of being an INSTRUCTIONAL LEAGUE. - Team managers can discuss who will pick up game balls prior to the game on game day. A best practice is the home team is responsible for game balls. 2 new game balls will be provided for each game. Each team should receive 1 of those game balls after the game ends. Managers are encouraged to hand out their game ball to a deserving player at the end of each game. Highlight a specific play or achievement of the specific player of the game. Each player should receive one over the course of the season. Some teams have saved them and hand them all out at the end of the season. It’s up to you to figure out what’s best for your team.
- Players that are 8, 9, and 10 years old are eligible for the Minor League.
- Minor League teams will be selected by the draft system. An 8 year old, per parental discretion and Board approval, can play at the Minors level and can be chosen for an active roster only if the player has played at least one year of Rookie division baseball.
- Manger or coach will not leave a game or practice until all players are with a parent or guardian.
- Minor League ground rules
1. No inning will start after 7:15 p.m. or 1 hour and 30 minutes after start time. The inning will be finished.
2. Stealing of bases is permitted, however, no more than one (1) base on any one play. Runners may not advance on an overthrow on an attempted play. Runners who are on 3rd base may not advance or steal home plate unless there is a hit, a walk or a pass ball. Runners may have one successful steal home from 3rd base once per inning.
3. On an attempted play at a base after the ball is hit, the runner or runners will be permitted to advance at their own risk.
4. Continuous batting order – inning-to-inning.
5. Lowest number batters per inning maximum or 3 outs. In the event a team bats 9, the defensive players receive credit for 3 outs in the field.
6. All players must play a minimum of 9 defensive outs each game.
7. Unlimited substitution.
8. All players should play every position throughout the season using reasonable discretion. THIS IS AN INSTRUCTIONAL LEAGUE.
9. Cal Ripken pitching rules must be strictly followed. Refer to Cal Ripken Baseball Rules and Regulations in the Babe Ruth League, Incorporated Rule Book.
10. Each manager MUST send all pitcher’s pitch counts to the Division Commissioner immediately following each game. Failure to do so will result in possible disciplinary action and loss of games.
12. Home team manager is responsible for preparing the field for the day.
13. The umpire may call a batter out for throwing the bat.
14. Scores and standings will be kept subject to the non-contentious compliance with the aforementioned Ground Rules. The Griffith Youth Baseball Board of Directors reserves the right to discontinue the use of score and standings at any point during the season that it determines said score and standings interfere with the express goal of being an INSTRUCTIONAL LEAGUE. - If an umpire has not gotten game balls, the team managers can discuss who will pick up game balls prior to the game on game day. A best practice is the home team is responsible for game balls. 2 new game balls will be provided for each game. Each team should receive 1 of those game balls after the game ends. Managers are encouraged to hand out their game ball to a deserving player at the end of each game. Highlight a specific play or achievement of the specific player of the game. Each player should receive one over the course of the season. Some teams have saved them and hand them all out at the end of the season. It’s up to you to figure out what’s best for your team.
- Major League teams will be selected by the draft system. Players that are 10 -12 years old are eligible for the Major League.
- Major League teams shall maintain a roster of 11-12 active players. If a player misses 40% of games and is not excused due to illness or vacation, the player will be deemed inactive and will not be eligible for All Stars.
- Manger or coach will not leave a game or practice until all players are with a parent or guardian.
- Major League ground rules
1. No inning will start after 7:15 p.m. or 1 hour and 30 minutes after start time. The inning will be finished.
2. Cal Ripken pitching rules must be strictly followed. Refer to Cal Ripken Baseball Rules and Regulations in the Babe Ruth League, Incorporated Rule Book.
3. Each manager MUST send all pitcher’s pitch counts to the Division Commissioner immediately following each game. Failure to do so will result in possible disciplinary action and loss of games.
4. Home team manager is responsible for preparing the field for the day.
5. At the beginning of the season, the Umpire(s) should call ‘Balk’ and the play will be dead, with no runners advancing. After a predetermined mid-season date set by the Board of Directors, full Balk rules go into effect for the remainder of the season, including any local league tournaments.
6. The umpire may call a batter out for throwing the bat.
7. Scores and standings will be kept subject to the non-contentious compliance with the aforementioned Ground Rules. The Griffith Youth Baseball Board of Directors reserves the right to discontinue the use of score and standings at any point during the season that it determines said score and standings interfere with the express goal of being an INSTRUCTIONAL LEAGUE.
Babe Ruth
- Babe Ruth teams will be selected by the draft system. Players that are 13-16 years old are eligible for Babe Ruth.
- Babe Ruth teams shall maintain a roster of 11-14 active players. Each year, ALL players will be selected through a draft. An evaluation shall be held prior to the draft. Siblings are not required to be on the same team. A parent/guardian must submit in writing, prior to the evaluation, to the Division Commissioner their desire for siblings to be on separate teams. Such requests will be honored in writing only. Each manager shall have one Sr. Coach prior to the evaluation. Managers are the only members permitted in the draft room. The Sr. Coach is allowed if the manager is absent. The draft order will be selected by ballot. If a player misses 40% of games and is not excused due to illness, vacation, or school commitment, the player will be deemed inactive and will not be eligible for All Stars.
- Manger or coach will not leave a game or practice until all players are with a parent or guardian or have safely left the field.
- Babe Ruth ground rules
1. No inning will start after 7:15 p.m. or 1 hour and 45 minutes after start time. The inning will be finished.
2. Babe Ruth League pitching rules must be strictly followed. Refer to Baseball Rules and Regulations in the Babe Ruth League, Incorporated Rule Book.
3. Each manager MUST send all pitcher’s pitch counts to the Division Commissioner immediately following each game. Failure to do so will result in possible disciplinary action and loss of games.
4. Home team manager is responsible for preparing the field for the day.
5. The umpire may call a batter out for throwing the bat.
6. Scores and standings will be kept subject to the non-contentious compliance with the aforementioned Ground Rules. The Griffith Youth Baseball Board of Directors reserves the right to discontinue the use of score and standings at any point during the season that it determines said score and standings interfere with the express goal of being an INSTRUCTIONAL LEAGUE.
Field Prep
Each team is expected to perform field maintenance throughout the season. This includes cleaning dugout areas and emptying garbage cans, dragging the infield and brushing limestone off the infield, removing nuisance weeds in the dugout or on the field if necessary, and making sure that all field equipment is stored and locked away properly in the major field shed or equipment room at babe ruth.
When playing at the Major Field, foul lines must be painted before the first game. After the last game, the field must be tarped (over pitching mound and home plate), gates must be locked, and any doors for equipment/tools must be checked and locked. For night games, field lights must be turned off. If there are concession stand workers, please make sure they are not left at the field by themselves.
The home team is primarily in charge of the field for each game, however, visiting teams are encouraged to help when possible. Dugouts must be cleaned of water/Gatorade bottles and any other garbage. Please allow time before and after the games for field maintenance. If the fields are maintained properly and we all work together, it will be much easier to keep them safe and presentable throughout the season.
Please see your Division Commissioner for any questions regarding the field for your division or contact another Board Member for other fields you will play on.