League Expectations
Our player’s experience is first and foremost for our league. This cannot be done unless we have the support from parents, and especially, our coaches. In order to provide youth baseball to the children in our community, we need full cooperation from our volunteers.
As a coach, we expect:
- That practices and games will be safe, educational, and fun. Check your field, perform warm ups, and make sure all equipment is in proper working order.
- You to treat all players fairly. We are an instructional and learning league. All players will be coached and receive playing time.
- That you will encourage healthy competition. While we focus on teaching and developing players, we also want them to maintain a competitive attitude to perform their best.
- Praise for your player’s efforts and performance. Also, encourage your spectators and players to cheer for all players on the field.
- An opportunity for your players to grow as athletes and as young persons. A coach is a role model and should encourage independence and teamwork.
- You to be responsible and supervise player actions on the field during practices and games. Please be sure the players are not engaging in dangerous situations. If problems occur, please speak to your Division Commissioner.
- A safe playing environment. Make sure the dugout is for players only (no parents or siblings) and that your players remain in the dugout or playing field and not roaming around outside of the field or in the stands. One adult (assistance coach or parent if no coach is available) is suggested to act as dugout supervisor for our T-Ball and Rookie divisions.
- You to be an example on and off the field. Help to create a positive culture for all players and parents.
- Respect for the fields and property. Dugouts and stands should be cleaned after every practice and game. This includes water bottles, Gatorade, wrappers, garbage, etc.
- You to attend league functions such as evaluations (if applicable for your division), clinics, Coach’s Meetings, Field Maintenance and Clean Up Days, fundraising events, and other league events.
- You to encourage your players and parents to attend and participate in league events such as Field Maintenance and Clean Up Days, Clinics, fundraisers, and other events that will occur.
Notify your Division Commissioner or a Board Member right away if there are any problems with parents, players, or any other issues.