Our season is almost over so now it’s time to get ready for our end of season celebration!
Our trophy and awards ceremony will begin at 5:30pm and will be followed by ice cream and a movie on the field!
Please bring a blanket for your family to sit on and feel free to bring your own food and beverages to enjoy while watching our featured movie. Ice cream will be provided for our players, coaches, and team moms! Our concession stand will be open and we’ll have limited snacks and beverages available for purchase.
After the trophy ceremony: players, coaches, and team moms, please check in at the designated area so you can receive your ticket for ice cream. Ice cream will be available at the Day Dreams and Ice Cream Truck until 8pm. The movie will begin at approximately 7:30pm.
We will also have a bounce house for the littles to enjoy until around 8:30pm. A waiver must be signed by a parent/guardian and a bracelet must be worn (provided by GYB) in order for the kids to enter.
** Please do not leave garbage on the field after the movie. We ask that you take all garbage and items with you when you leave. Thank you for helping to keep our parks clean!**